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Feb. 7th- HILLBILLY'S--7PM-10PM-3531-PA31-Donegal-PA-
                                                            (724) 623-3585 

Feb.  22nd-starts 5:15-PBR Bar Live Casino- more info- at the underlined link below
                                              COWBOY PROM | Making Strides

Mar. 28th-6PM-7:30PM-Worthington Civic Center- 28 E. Main St.
Worthington PA- 16262= BYOB- FREE ADMIT- Dinner Provided BRING  a Dessetrt with You

Apr. 4th-HILLBILLY's-8PM-11PM-3531-PA31-Donegal-PA-                                                                                                                (724) 623-3585 

May 29th-PALACE THEATER COURTYARD "Kickoff Concert"
       Westmorekand County Cultural Trust - Free- 6PM Greensburg, {A

June 5th- Jeannette Food Truck Night- 6PM- FULL BAND SHOW

June 14th- VFW Greensburg- Pittsburgh Street- If your coming let Gary or Kate KNow-                                                         724-972-3351 so we can sign you in!

June 27th- DeNunzio's Latrobe Airport-6PM Free

July 20th-Annual Rotary Steak Fry Fundraiser for Various organizations
                 Newhouse Park in Delmont-4PM
                        Tickets-Sally-724-468-0373/412-551-8286 or Gary-724-972-3351

August 9th-Latrobe Community Concert-Bring Your Chairs/Coolers- Food Available
             time-TBA-543 McFarland Rd, Latrobe, PA 15650 time 6PM

August 29th- DeNunzio's Latrobe
 Airport-6PM Free

Sept. 13th-Holy Cross Church Festival-Youngwood, PA-6PM
Sept. 14th-Holy Cross Church Festival-3 Shows Throughout The Day

Sept. 21st-LAMP THEATER- Full Ban Show-Honoring Veteran's Concert and EVENT

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